Legal notice
You are connected to the ANSAMBLE Morocco Internet website.
The use of this site is subjected to the respect of the applicable laws and the present general conditions of access and use.
Ansamble Morocco reserves the right to modify these last ones at any time. Therefore, users are invited to refer to them regularly.
General information
This site is the property of : Ansamble Morocco
Copyright: ©ANSAMBLE Morocco
The site was designed by :
The management, the follow-up and the maintenance of the hosting are managed by
Intellectual property
All elements contained in this website such as names, brands and signs, documents, information, graphic elements are the property of Ansamble Maroc or its partners and constitute separately or together works within the meaning of the Intellectual Property Code. The Internet user or visitor therefore undertakes to respect these property rights and not to infringe them. Any use or reproduction, in whole or in part, of the site, its components and/or the information contained therein, by any means whatsoever, constitutes an infringement sanctioned by the Intellectual Property Code.
It is possible to download, display or print data from this site for private and non-commercial use only. The user must retain and copy any copyright or property right indication mentioned in any downloaded data.
The user is not allowed to modify, transmit, use, reuse, repost the content of the site for public or commercial purposes, including texts, images, audio or video material without the prior written permission of ANSAM BLE.
This site may contain or reference trademarks, patents, proprietary data, technologies, products, processes, or other rights of Ansamble Maroc and/or third parties. No license to or right in any of these or other rights is granted to you.
Disclaimer of liability
The information on this website is provided for information purposes only and is not contractually binding. Ansamble Maroc cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or completeness of the information provided on this site.
Consequently, Ansamble Maroc declines all responsibility for any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission in the information presented on the site and shall not be liable for any direct and/or indirect damage, whatever the cause, origin, nature or consequences, caused by anyone’s access to the site or inability to access it, as well as the use of the site and/or the credit given to any information coming directly or indirectly from the site.
Similarly, Ansamble Maroc shall not be held liable for any damage that may result from the use of information published on this website and/or the use of a product to which this information refers. It is the responsibility of the user to verify the accuracy of the information provided and its use.
Hypertext links
Ansamble Maroc authorises any Internet site to establish a link to the address after simply informing the webmaster. However, any such link shall be subject to the legal provisions in force and may under no circumstances use the deep linking technique, i.e. the pages of the website must not be embedded within the pages of another website (use of frames, for example), but accessible by opening a window.
Of course, this authorisation does not apply to websites that disseminate information of a pornographic, polemical, homophobic or xenophobic nature, or which may, to a greater extent, offend the sensibilities of the general public.
Ansamble Maroc reserves the right, at any time, without prior notice and without having to justify its decision, to prohibit a hypertext link. In this case, it will inform the person concerned, who will have 2 working days to remove the link. If the link is not removed, Ansamble Maroc reserves the right to bring the matter before the competent court.
Prohibition of mirroring
No uploading of the Site by a third party under another URL is allowed.
Linked sites
Ansamble Maroc is not responsible for the content of other websites to which it has created links or which may have been created without its knowledge. Access to all other Internet sites linked to this website is at the user’s own risk. Ansamble Maroc also disclaims all responsibility for any information contained on third party sites to which links are provided to
Access to the site, malfunction and viruses Currently, Internet Explorer 7 or higher and Firefox versions ensure the best functioning of this site. Ansamble Maroc reserves the right to interrupt or suspend all or part of the functionality of the site.
Ansamble Maroc shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of this website, or the inability of a third party to use it, or from a malfunction, interruption of service, or virus, resulting from access to or use of this website or any sites linked to it.
Cookies, personal data and private privacy
Most of the information that Ansamble Maroc collects on its site is anonymous information, such as the pages that the user visits and the searches that the user undertakes. When a user visits this website, Ansamble Maroc does not collect any personally identifiable information about the user, unless the user has given Ansamble Maroc permission to do so.
Ansamble Maroc uses anonymous information to help improve the content of its site and to obtain aggregate statistics about its users for internal and marketing purposes. For example, Ansamble Maroc may set Cookies that collect each user’s preferences, as well as the day and time of access. These cookies are also used to facilitate access to this site. Cookies by themselves cannot be used to obtain the identity of the user. A cookie is a piece of information that is sent to your browser and stored on the hard drive of the user’s computer. Cookies do not damage the computer. The user can activate his browser to be informed of the reception of a Cookie, this allows him to decide if he wants to accept it or not. They can also oppose the recording of these Cookies by configuring their computer according to the methods detailed on the CNIL website.
The user is informed that his personal data collected in the context of contact forms, personalized services or any other questionnaire are subject to automated processing by ANSAMBLE Maroc. The information collected is kept strictly confidential and is intended for the exclusive use of the members and services of the ANSAMBLE Morocco Group.
Certain specific information requested in the on-line forms is obligatory. It should be noted that if their seizure is erroneous, the information is not sent to ANSAMBLE Morocco. In accordance with the “Informatique et
Libertés” of January 6, 1978 modified by the law of August 6, 2004 (articles 38 to 43 of the law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms), you can exercise your right of access to information and if necessary your right of correction or withdrawal of information concerning you by writing to Ansamble Maroc – Service Communication E-mail :